AnFinn: Autism and Neurodiversity reFraming INNovation´ Project 

‘AnFinn: Autism and Neurodiversity reFraming INNovation’ is a research project conducted by Kathy D’Arcy (also the creator of this form) in Háskóla Íslands (the University of Iceland) and funded by the Icelandic Research Fund.

The aim of the project is to work together to see if we can create better online and physical spaces for neurodivergent1 creative practitioners to work and collaborate.

Kathy is recruiting a small group of neurodivergent creative practitioners2 to figure out new kinds of creative spaces for us as neurodivergent creative practitioners.

We will use these spaces to create together, and to exhibit our creative and collaborative work within our group and for the public.

We will also share our findings by speaking, writing and/or creatively presenting about them (in whatever way each of us would enjoy) so that places like universities and arts institutions can adopt our findings to make their spaces better for neurodivergent people, and for other neurodivergent researchers to see.

This site is under construction: please contact Kathy at if you would like to find out more about participating in the project.